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Showing posts from February, 2019

Micro Action Jet Aircraft Carrier

The "Micro Action Jet Aircraft Carrier" is both a playset and a carry/storage container for your fleet of jets. The top deck can be removed revealing a 4-compartment storage area in the hull. The deck connects to pegs on the hull via a clip at the bow and a pair of clips at the stern. I have seen examples with these clips broken off so care should always be used when attaching and detaching the deck. There are two rubber band-powered catapults on the deck (pull back the catapult until it clicks in place and press the black button to release). These rubber bands can be replaced (should they break or dry out) by unscrewing the mechanism from the underside of the deck. The island can be removed from the top deck as it simply pegs into four holes in the deck but be careful as these pegs are fragile and are often broken on loose examples (mine is missing two of the pegs). There are three black plastic accessories (a gun turret, an antenna array and a radar dish) that peg into

Micro Action Air Base Play Set

The "Micro Action Air Base" play set looks like a small book when closed. The play set itself is made of thin plastic and is held closed with a velcro fastener. Funrise made several other play sets in this same format (including a “Micro Action Helicopter Base”). While these different sets utilized the same pieces, the deco on the inside was changed. Front of closed play set (the back is plain white) Spine of closed play set Top of closed play set (same decal used on bottom) Opening and unfolding the play set reveals the air base... The large red plastic parking ramp can be removed and is marked "(C) FUNRISE 1988 MADE IN CHINA" on the underside (the ramp also came in blue with this play set). There were several small plastic pieces included in the play set: 1 pair of gas pumps 1 ramp/bridge 1 stop light 2 traffic cones 1 building with a door marked "NO ENTRY" 2 fence pieces (my example is missing 1)